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Introduction to Fox-In-Moon



This site contains a hodgepodge of maps, dungeons, and advice to influence your playing of Dungeons & Dragons version 3.5.  Most is fairly generic, so it can be translated into the newer D&D versions easily.  All of it is free to download.


Why?  My eldest child left for college last summer, and with another graduating high school in only three semesters, I’m looking at losing my gaming group over the next two years.  I’ve been playing AD&D since 1977 (8th grade) and accumulated a closet full of maps, traps, tricks and dungeons that I can’t possibly use in that short amount of time.  

I have this weird compulsion to draw up dungeons, even when I know that they may never be played, so I’ve got notebooks of sketches, ideas and partially-built dungeons sitting gathering dust that I’m sure someone could use.

My son came to me a few months ago with a class assignment.  He had to create a business web page, and I saw an opportunity.  Next thing you know, Fox-In-Moon was under construction.


So here it is: feel free to wander around and download anything that you think you can use.  Not all of the maps are complete, some are in crayon, while others have been meticulously written.  I went rummaging through my stuff and if something looked complete enough to post, I added it to the site.  Others will take some time to finish, or at least to get in proper order to post.  Probably two-thirds of my collection is published stuff that I purchased over the years, and I weeded it out so that you’re looking at all original work.


Most of what you will see is in Adobe PDF format, Word, or Excel.  It’s the software I use at work, and I’m tied to whatever the printer/scanner lets me do.


A disclaimer: I assume that most Dungeon Masters do what I do – loot ideas from other sources.  That trap that the party bypassed gets a facelift and becomes part of a new dungeon.  A dungeon from a magazine article that doesn’t apply to my group gets taken apart and some rooms get transplanted to a different dungeon.  My work is full of plagiarism.  As I said earlier, I weeded out what I could and posted the most original work I had, but you will probably find bits and pieces of other work in there.  Get over it.

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